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All children attending Buttercups Nursery School have a personal Learning Journey folder, which records photos, observations and comments in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. This enables us to build up a record of each child’s learning and achievements during their time with us.


We have now started using the Tapestry system, which is hosted on secure, dedicated servers based in the UK. When we go live you will have password protected access to your child’s online Learning Journey and we encourage you to contribute to it by uploading photos, videos and comments of their learning development and experiences at home. You are also able to comment on observations made by your child’s keyworker and staff.


If you do not have access to the internet at home or work we are able to download your child’s Learning Journey as a pdf file that can be printed or put onto a USB stick. Please complete and return the permissions form to let us know if you will be able to use the online system.


Where do I start?


Once you have signed and returned your permission slip and consent form your account will be set up. You will be emailed, using the email addresses provided, with a link to the Tapestry log on page, your username (which is your email address) and your password. We strongly recommend that you change your password on your first visit.


The Tapestry app is free of charge and available from iTunes and Google Play for both iPhone and android phones. Specific user guides are available and can be emailed to you in PDF format or as a hard copy upon request.


As a parent/carer you can choose who also has access to your child’s learning journey at any time. If you would like to add additional email addresses for both parents, grandparents etc, please complete the additional email section on the attached permissions slip. They will then be set up with an account and emailed an activation link.

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